The other day I received a pleasant comment from someone in my acquaintance about something I had made. Notice, I say 'pleasant comment'. He did not gush or shower me with flowery praise. He just said it was very good.
Not a compliment to write home about.
Not a compliment to shout about over the rooftops.
Not a compliment grand enough to evoke gurgles of happiness from deep within the part of my heart where joy resides.
And yet, the simple unassuming words brought a tear of pride to my eye. A blush to my cheek. It was extremely hard for me to moderate my voice and behave normally after that. And in the car ride home I was dancing in my seat much to my husband's amusement and bemusement. I danced up the stairs and danced the length and breadth of our living room.
He definitely wondered what he had married. But you see, he didn't understand. The giver of the 'pleasant comment' is usually frugal with his words. Not particularly emotive. And, I have never in the entire span of our acquaintance done anything worthy of receiving a 'pleasant comment'. This was my first, and how delicious it was! That 'very good' was synonymous of having Simon Cowell compliment a contestant in American Idol.
It blindsides you and makes you speechless. And all warm all over. You feel... very good.
Not a compliment to write home about.
Not a compliment to shout about over the rooftops.
Not a compliment grand enough to evoke gurgles of happiness from deep within the part of my heart where joy resides.
And yet, the simple unassuming words brought a tear of pride to my eye. A blush to my cheek. It was extremely hard for me to moderate my voice and behave normally after that. And in the car ride home I was dancing in my seat much to my husband's amusement and bemusement. I danced up the stairs and danced the length and breadth of our living room.
He definitely wondered what he had married. But you see, he didn't understand. The giver of the 'pleasant comment' is usually frugal with his words. Not particularly emotive. And, I have never in the entire span of our acquaintance done anything worthy of receiving a 'pleasant comment'. This was my first, and how delicious it was! That 'very good' was synonymous of having Simon Cowell compliment a contestant in American Idol.
It blindsides you and makes you speechless. And all warm all over. You feel... very good.
And who said the above compliement??! or is that irrelevant!