Monday, January 4, 2010

Dirty Little Secret

They sat at the cafe one lazy afternoon, the sun dappling them in gentle shadows. Her eyes twinkled from the belly laughs of the past few hours. She had just finished a long overdue catch-up with some old girlfriends. It was rare for her to have the time to just hang out these days. But when he'd called, out of the blue really, to say 'Let's have lunch', she'd somehow had time and surprised herself when she agreed.

Her face was warm and flushed - the telltale effects of good food and a little red wine. Red wine always made her all cosy and slumberous. She peeked at him through lazy lashes as he ordered his meal, and realised that this was perfect. This was comfortable. She smiled inwardly, remembering their tête-à-têtes of the past. She didn't remember a single one that could be classified as 'comfortable'. There had been shyness, attraction, tension, hurt, irritation and confusion... nothing as simple as 'comfortable'.

They were meeting face to face after several months because their previous attempts at friendship had always been flailing, clumsy and unsuccessful. But on this sunny afternoon being friends finally seemed possible, and it gave her a warm, toasty feeling.

They talked easily about work, life, romance, and the future. Anything and everything really. They teased and laughed at themselves, and before they knew it the sky above was advertising stunning sunset shades, signalling it was time to leave. He offered to drop her home, and she accepted happily.

She hugged him tight as they said goodbye, and they agreed they must do this again. She hummed her way up the stairs feeling content, knowing that this would become a friendship she could count on. As she reached the top of the stairs, her phone gave a little blip.

The sms - from him - read, 'Please let's not tell anyone we met today. She can never know.'

She realised then that it was completely dark. The cold caught hold of her and clawed with icy fingers at her. She had been dreaming of being someone's friend when instead she was his dirty little secret.