Friday, February 12, 2010


Every once in a while I get a little stuck; a little complacent... and thankfully, when those moments arrive, the powers that be send me little angels that give me a swift kick in the arse to get things going again.

A year ago, a friend gave me one such friendly kick. She encouraged - no, INSISTED - that I start this blog as a 'gift' to her. It was more a gift to me.

So I want to say thanks, Pancham, for pushing me to follow a dream in a practical way (for now). A year has passed, and while I haven't written as much as I should have, I have written more in the last year than I had in the ten before, and I owe it all to you. Thanks for the initial push, and then bearing with the temperamental tantrums and indignant opinions of someone not quite talented enough to actually afford them.

I owe you, and I thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The pleasure is all mine! This is what friends do - give swift kicks in the arse!! ;-)

    Big kudos to you for pursuing this slowly but surely! I can't believe a whole year has gone (but we'll discuss that another time ;-))

    Looking forward to more writings from the Masala!!

